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Letra Música Buzzcut Season – Lorde

I remember when your head it caught flame
It kissed your scalp and caressed your brain
(I remember when your head it caught flame)
Well, you laughed baby, it’s okay
It’s buzzcut season anyway
(Well, you laughed baby, it’s okay)
Explosions on TV
And all the girls with heads inside a dream
So, now we live beside the pool
Where everything is good

We ride the bus with the knees pulled in
People should see how we’re living
(We ride the bus with the knees pulled in)
Shut my eyes to the song that plays
Sometimes, this has a hot sweet taste
(Shut my eyes to the song that plays)

The men up on the news
They try to tell us all that we will lose
But it’s so easy in this blue
Where everything is good

And I’ll never go home again
(Place the call, feel it start)
Favourite friend
And nothing’s wrong when nothing’s true
I live in a hologram with you

We’re all the things that we do for fun
(And I’ll breathe, and it goes)
Play along
Make believe it’s hyper real
But I live in a hologram with you

Cola with the burnt out taste
I’m the one you tell all your fears to
There’ll never be enough of us

Explosions on TV
And all the girls with heads inside a dream
So, now we live beside the pool
Where everything is good

And I’ll never go home again
(Place the call, feel it start)
Favourite friend
And nothing’s wrong when nothing’s true
I live in a hologram with you

We’re all the things that we do for fun
(And I’ll breathe, and it goes)
Play along
Make believe it’s hyper real
But I live in a hologram with youLorde – Buzzcut Season – Ouvir Música

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