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Letra Música Yosemite – Lana Del Rey

Seasons may change
But we won’t change
Isn’t it sweet how we know that already?
Winter to spring
Spring back to fall
Isn’t it cool how nothing here changes at all?
You make me feel I’m invincible
Just like I wanted
No more candle in the wind
It’s not like I’m invisible
Not like before when I was burning at both ends

We did it for fun, we did it for free
I did it for you, you did it for me
We did it for the right reasons
We did it for the right reasons

Seasons may change
But we won’t change
Isn’t it strange how different we are from all of our friends?
Seasons will turn
The world, it will turn
The only thing we’ll turn is the pages of all of the poems we burned

Honey, you made me feel I’m invincible
It’s just like I wanted
No more candle in the wind
It’s not like I’m invisible
Like I was before, no more burning at both ends

Now I do it for fun, I do it for free
I do it for you, you did it for me
We did it for the right reasons
We did it for the right reasons

I remember watching How Green Was My Valley
Then I was thinking
How deep was the canyon that you came from?
Television static was quite overwhelming
Was it because of the cabin and the candles in the wind?

We’ve done it for fun, we’ve done it for free
I showed up for you, you showed up for me
We did it for the right reasons

We did it for fun, we did it for free
When I was young till eternity
I’ll do it for the right reasons
Withstanding all the time, changes, and seasons
Right reasonsLana Del Rey – Yosemite – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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