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Letra Música Wild At Heart – Lana Del Rey

What would you do if I told you
You make me crazy
To see your pretty pics on Sunset Boulevard?
And it makes me lazy
So I smoke cigarettes
Just to understand the smog
I love you lots like polka dots
You’re killing me more
Than coffee pots and insta-dots
With every drop I pour
And if I had to do it all again
I would, because, babe, in the end
It brought me here to you

I left Calabasas, escaped all the ashes
Ran into the dark
And it made me wild, wild, wild at heart
The cameras have flashes, they cause the car crashes
But I’m not a star

If you love me, you’ll love me
‘Cause I’m wild, wild at heart
If they love me, they’ll love me
‘Cause I’m wild, wild at heart

What would you do if I wouldn’t sing for them no more?
Like if you heard I was out in the bars drinkin’ Jack and Coke
Goin’ crazy for anyone who would listen to my stories, babe?
Time after time, I think about leaving
But you know that I never do, just ‘cause you keep me believin’

I love you lots, despite the odds
You’re killing me, Joe
And all these thoughts brought us apart
And that’s okay, too
‘Cause even in the worst of times
You saw the best of me
And that’s why I stay here with you

I left Calabasas, escaped all the ashes
Ran into the dark
And it made me wild, wild, wild at heart
The cameras have flashes, they cause the car crashes
But I’m not a star

If you love me, you’ll love me
‘Cause I’m wild, wild at heart
If you love me, you’ll love me
‘Cause I’m wild, wild at heart

‘Cause, baby, I’m wild at heart
If you love me, you’ll love me
‘Cause I’m wild at heart
Baby, I’m wild, wild at heart
If they love me, they’ll love me
‘Cause I’m wild, wild at heart
If they love me, they’ll love me
‘Cause I’m wild, wild at heartLana Del Rey – Wild At Heart – Ouvir Música

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