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Letra Música Tulsa Jesus Freak – Lana Del Rey

You should stay real close to Jesus
Keep that bottle at your hand, my man
Find your way back to my bed again
Sing me like a Bible hymn
We should go back to Arkansas
Trade this body for the can of Gin
Like a little piece of heaven
No more candle in the wind

You should come back to our place, baby
Don’t be afraid of our love
On the second floor, darling
In the second flat, hurry up

‘Cause down in Arkansas
The stores are all closed
And the kids in their hoodies
They dance super slow
We’re white-hot forever
And only God knows

You should stay real close to Jesus
Keep that bottle at your hand, my man
Find your way back to my bed again
Sing me like a Bible hymn

We should go back to Arkansas
Trade this body for the can of Gin
Like a little piece of heaven
No more candle in the wind

We’ll be white-hot forever
White-hot forever
We’ll be white-hot forever
And ever and ever, amen

Could I come back to the ranch, baby?
I had to get away for a while
Just to rest my nerves, darling
Can I make you laugh with a smile?

You knew when you chose me
I was nothing but ordinary
And now the wind’s blowing
Reminding you of what you know

You should stay real close to Jesus
Keep that bottle at your hand, my man
Find your way back to my bed again
Sing me like a Bible hymn

We should go back to Arkansas
Trade this body for that can of Gin
Like a little piece of heaven
No more candle in the wind

We’ll be white-hot forever
White-hot forever
White-hot forever
And ever and ever, the end

White-hot forever
White-hot forever
White-hot forever
And ever and ever, amen

(You should stay real close to Jesus)
If you don’t pray, you’ll never learn
(Keep that bottle at your hand, my man)
You know what I’m saying?
(Find your way back to my bed again)
(Sing me like a Bible hymn)

(We should go back to Arkansas)
I like living here
Trade this body for the can of Gin
Like a little piece of heaven
No more candle in the windLana Del Rey – Tulsa Jesus Freak – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

Tracklist Mais Tocadas - Giro Musical 2023

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