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Letra Música Ridin’ (feat. ASAP Rocky) – Lana Del Rey

[Lana Del Rey]
I want to be your object, of your affection
Give me all your time, touch, money, and attention
Pick me up after school, you can be my baby
Maybe we could go somewhere, get a little crazy
He’s rich and I’m wishin’, um, he could be my Mister Yum
Delicious to the maximum, chew him up like bubble gum
Mama’s pretty party favor, he says I’m his favorite flavor
Uh, uh, catch me ridin’ like a bitch
Got the six forty-five, catch me ridin’ with my bitch
Uh, long hair, Lana, that’s my bitch
Uh, You can tell by the swagger and the lips, uh

Uh, uh, catch me ridin’ like a bitch
Got the six forty-five, catch me ridin’ with my bitch
Uh, long hair, Lana, that’s my bitch
Uh, You can tell by the swagger and the lips, uh

[Lana Del Rey]
You say that I am flawless, true perfection
So give me all your drugs, props, money, and connections
Pick me up after school, actin’ kinda shady
You’re the coolest kid in town, I’m your little lady
Your sick and I’m kissin’ him, magical musician, how I’m
Drivin’ at the cinema, lovin’ him and lickin’ him
He’s my love, the life saver
Don’t step on my bad behavior

Uh, uh, catch me ridin’ like a bitch
Got the six forty-five, catch me ridin’ with my bitch
Uh, long hair, Lana, that’s my bitch
Uh, You can tell by the swagger and the lips, uh

Uh, uh, catch me ridin’ like a bitch
Got the six forty-five, catch me ridin’ with my bitch
Uh, long hair, Lana, that’s my bitch
Uh, You can tell by the swagger and the lips, uh

[A$AP Rocky]
Swervin’, swervin’, gettin’ all them dimes
Tell her I be doin’, I be swaggin’ to my prime
This ain’t all the time, it happens all the time
That’s a big contradiction, get your money on your mind
What, what, tell her I be on a chase
Chasin’ for that paper and you see me on that race
What, what, tell her I be goin’ first
I be gon’ first and they put me in a herse, oh
One big room, full of bad bitches, no
One big room and it’s full of mad bitches
Lana, Lana, tell them what it is
Tell ‘em that you doin’ it, you mean to do it big
I said, one big room, full of bad bitches, no it’s
One big room and it’s full of mad bitches, I said
Lana, Lana, tell them what it is
Tell ‘em when you do it that you only do it big

Uh, uh, catch me ridin’ like a bitch
Got the six forty-five, catch me ridin’ with my bitch
Uh, long hair, Lana, that’s my bitch
Uh, You can tell by the swagger and the lips, uh

Uh, uh, catch me ridin’ like a bitch
Got the six forty-five, catch me ridin’ with my bitch
Uh, long hair, Lana, that’s my bitch
Uh, You can tell by the swagger and the lips, uhLana Del Rey – Ridin’ (feat. ASAP Rocky) – Ouvir Música

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