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Letra Música Love song – Lana Del Rey

In the car, in the car, in the backseat
I’m your baby
We go fast, we go so fast, we don’t move
I believe in a place you take me
Make you real proud of your baby
In your car, I’m a star and I’m burnin’ through you
In your car, I’m a star and I’m burnin’ through you
Oh, be my once in a lifetime
Lying on your chest, in my party dress
I’m a fucking mess but I
Oh, thanks for the high life
Baby, it’s the best, passed the test and yes
Now I’m here with you, and I
Would like to think that you would stick around
You know that I’d just die to make you proud
The taste, the touch, the way we love
It all comes down to make the sound of our love song

Dream a dream, here’s a scene
Touch me anywhere ‘cause I’m your baby
Grab my waist, don’t waste any part
I believe that you see me for who I am
So spill my clothes on the floor of your new car
Is it safe, is it safe to just be who we are?
Is it safe, is it safe to just be who we are?

Oh, be my once in a lifetime
Lying on your chest in my party dress
I’m a fucking mess, but I
Oh, thanks for the high life
Baby, it’s the best, passed the test and yes
Now I’m here with you, and I
Would like to think that you would stick around
You know that I’d just die to make you proud
The taste, the touch, the way we love
It all comes down to make the sound of our love song
The taste, the touch, the way we love
It all comes down to make the sound of our love songLana Del Rey – Love song – Ouvir Música

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