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Letra Música Black Bathing Suit – Lana Del Rey

Grenadine quarantine
I like you a lot
It’s LA, hey on Zoom
Target parking lot
And if this is the end
I want a boyfriend
Someone to eat ice cream with
And watch television
Or walk home from the mall with
‘Cause what I really meant
Is, when I’m being honest
I’m tired of this shit

‘Cause my body is my temple, my heart is one too
The only thing that still fits me is this black bathing suit
You don’t know me any better than they do, baby
My time is run over, so the only time you’ll ever see me
Is in your dreams, in my black bathing suit
Looking at me looking over at you
Real cute, ‘cause

He said I was bad, let me show you how bad girls do
‘Cause no one does it better
He said I was bad, let me show you how bad girls do
‘Cause no one does it better

Swisher Sweet, magazines
Promise you it’s not
‘Cause of you that I’m mean
It’s my afterthoughts

And what I never said
Why there’s a price on my head
It’s nothing to do with them
It’s my karmic lineage

So I’m not friends with my mother
But I still love my dad
Untraditional lover
Can you handle that?

I guess I’m complicated, my life’s sorta too
I wish you could see to my soul through this black bathing suit
You don’t know me any better than they do, baby
‘Cause I sing like an angel, my heart’s like one too
The only thing that fits is this black bathing suit
Looking at me looking over at you
Real cute ‘cause

He said I was bad, let me show you how bad girls do
‘Cause no one does it better
He said I was bad, let me show you how bad girls do
‘Cause no one does it better
They said I was bad and I’ll show them what bad girls do

My black bathing suit
(Oh, let ‘em talk about me)
They’re just yesterday’s news
(They’re fucking broke and we’re laughing about them)
Mail me when you get the blues
(We’ll have the last laugh about it)
By the way, thanks for the shoes

Your interest really made stacks
Your interest really made stacks
Your interest really made stacks out of it
Your interest really made stacks out of it for me (so, thanks for that)
Your interest really made stacks out of it for me (so, thanks for that)
Your interest really made stacks out of it for me
So thanks for thatLana Del Rey – Black Bathing Suit – Ouvir Música

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