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Letra Música Because Of You – Lana Del Rey

On the streets of LA
Where the future is now
We dance like nobody is watching us
And we live like we want to
But it can all get a little crazy
Unless there’s something to hold on
For me, that was true love
I was a young girl, selfish and wild
Like a fire in LA
Hot like the summer and mean like a child
Who keeps crying till she gets her way
(Like a true star)

There were roses in my hair
Rock and roll and blaring
I was in trouble
No one could rock me like you could
I was a bad girl gone good

Look at me now, I have everything
You gave to me and my heart can sing
I was a kid who could only drink
Dancing tables, making deals with devils
Like a drunk beauty queen
Fighting the fantasy, hooked on the scene
And it brought me to my knees
And it’s all because of you

(You know what I’m talking about)

It was a mad world, we lived for fun
And we got shit for free
Had a face like an angel
But inside my heart was as black
As a broke movie screen
(It was pretty sad)

But when I saw you standing there
Like a millionaire, give me your number
Call me before I get stupid
Make me uncrazy, like you did

Look at me now, I have everything
You gave to me and my heart can sing
I was a kid who could only drink
Dancing tables, making deals with devils
Like a drunk beauty queen
Fighting the fantasy, hooked on the scene
But you brought me to my knees
And it’s all because of you

It isn’t hard to see you’ve got a hold on me
Give me your money, love me to death
Talk like a baby, ‘cause I’m so elated
He tell me that I ain’t seen nothing quite yet

I don’t wanna lose it
I’m in love but I didn’t choose it

Roses in my hair dancing in the air
Feels like I’m flying
Tell me you love me, boy, do it
It’s just like I thought, I just knew it

Look at me now, I have everything
You gave to me and my heart can sing
I was a kid who could only drink
Dancing tables making deals with devils
Like a drunk beauty queen
Fighting the fantasy, hooked on the scene
You bring me to my knees
And it’s all because of you

Yeah, it’s all because of youLana Del Rey – Because Of You – Ouvir Música

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