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Letra Música Obstacle 1 – Interpol

I wish I could eat the salt off of your lost and faded lips
We can cap the old times
Make playing only logical harm
We can cap the old lines
Make playing that nothing else will change
But she can read, she can read
She can read, she can read, she’s bad
She can read, she can read
She can read, she’s bad
Oh, she’s bad
But it’s different now that I’m poor and aging
I’ll never see this face again
You go stabbing yourself in the neck

And we can find new ways of living
Make playing only logical harm
And we can top the old times
Clay making that nothing else will change
But she can read, she can read
She can read, she can read, she’s bad
She can read, she can read
She can read, she’s bad
Oh, she’s bad

It’s different now that I’m poor and aging
I’ll never see this place again
You go stabbing yourself in the neck
But it’s different now that I’m poor and aging
I’ll never see this place again
And you go stabbing yourself in the neck

It’s in the way that she posed
It’s in the things that she puts in my head
Her stories are boring and stuff
She’s always calling my bluff
She puts the, she puts the weights into my little heart
And she gets in my room and she takes it apart, oh
She puts the weights into my little heart
I said she puts the weights into my little heart

She packs it away
She packs it away
She packs it away
She packs it away
She packs it away
She packs it away
She packs it away

It’s in the way that she walks
Her heaven is never enough
She puts the weights in my heart
She puts, oh, she puts the weights into my little heartInterpol – Obstacle 1 – Ouvir Música

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