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Letra Música Would That I – Hozier

True that I saw her hair like the branch of a tree
A willow dancing on air before covering me
Under cotton and calicoes
Over canopy dappled long ago
True that love in withdrawal was the weepin’ of me
That the sound of the saw must be known by the tree
Must be felled for to fight the cold
Fretted fire but that was long ago
It’s not tonight (oh, oh)
Where I’m set alight (oh, oh)
And I blink in sight (oh, oh)
Of your blinding light (oh, oh)
Oh, it’s not tonight (oh, oh)
Where you hold me tight (oh, oh)
And the fire bright (oh, oh)
Oh, let it blaze alright (oh, oh)
Oh, but you’re good to me, oh, you’re good to me (oh, oh)
Oh, but that you’re good to me, baby (oh, oh)

With the roar of the fire, my heart rose to its feet
Like the ashes of ash, I saw rise in the heat
Settled soft and as pure as snow
I fell in love with the fire long ago
With each love I cut loose, I was never the same
Watching still-living roots be consumed by the flame
I was fixed on your hand of gold
Layin’ waste to my lovin’ long ago

But that’s not tonight (oh, oh)
Where I’m set alight (oh, oh)
And I blink in sight (oh, oh)
Of your blinding light (oh, oh)
And it’s not tonight (oh, oh)
Where you hold me tight (oh, oh)
And the fire bright (oh, oh)
Oh, let it blaze alright, honey (oh, oh)
Oh, but you’re good to me, oh, you’re good to me (oh, oh)
Oh, but you’re good to me, baby (oh, oh)

So in awe, there I stood as you licked off the grain
Though I’ve handled the wood, I still worship the flame
As long as amber of ember glows
All the would that I’d loved is long ago

And it’s not tonight (oh, oh)
Where I’m set alight (oh, oh)
And I blink inside (oh, oh)
Of your blinding light (oh, oh)
Oh, it’s not tonight (oh, oh)
Where you hold me tight (oh, oh)
And the fire bright (oh, oh)
Oh, let it blaze alright (oh, oh)
Oh, you’re good to me, oh, you’re good to me (oh, oh)
Oh, but you’re good to me (oh, oh)
Oh, oh, you’re good to me, you’re good to me (oh, oh)
Oh, but you’re good to me, baby (oh, oh)Hozier – Would That I – Ouvir Música

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