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Letra Música Take a Slice – Glass Animals

Smells good up here
Yeah, it’s the candle, yo, it’s uh
Yo, it’s uh, sausage, sausage candle
Most people don’t do it the way I do it, very personal
So, like, even the money, twenties, tens, twenties
Y’know, like whatever, I just like sausage
I don’t ever wanna pick a slice
One is pretty but the other lies
Chewing on a fat smoke
No filter but you’re puffing
Suckin’ on a slim vogue
Dark fingernail polish

I’m the treasure, baby, I’m the prize
Cut me rails of that fresh cherry pie
Shitty old pistola
Shot a bullet through my wallet
Gonna go to Pensacola
Gonna fuck my way through college

You’ve gone with the thick rims
Big look with the lip ring and things
Wake me when the bell rings
I’m gonna sleep ‘cause you live in my daydreams

You’ve gone with the thick rims
Big look with the lip ring and things
Wake me when the bell rings
I’m gonna sleep ‘cause you live in my daydreams

Sitting pretty in the prime of life
I’m so tasty and the price is right
Stewing in the black dope
I’m filthy and I love it
Studebacker all gold
Got a shotgun in my pocket

You’ve gone with the thick rims
Big look with the lip ring and things
Wake me when the bell rings
I’m gonna sleep ‘cause you live in my daydreamsGlass Animals – Take a Slice – Ouvir Música

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