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Letra Música Pork Soda – Glass Animals

Somewhere in south end when you were fun
You took my hand and you made me run
Up past the prison to the seafront
You climbed the cliff edge and took the plunge
Why can’t we laugh now like we did then?
How come I see you and ache instead?
How come you only look pleased in bed?
Let’s climb the cliff edge and jump again

Pineapples are in my head
(Pineapples are in my head)
Got nobody ‘cause I’m brain dead
(Got nobody ‘cause I’m brain dead)

Somebody said that I’m a fuckin’ slum
Don’t know where I belong
Maybe you’re fucking dumb
Maybe I’m just a bum
Maybe you’re fucking scum
Don’t you go psycho chum
I want you for the world
I want you all the time

Pineapples are in my head
(When you were fun)
Got nobody ‘cause I’m brain dead
(You made me run)
Pineapples are in my head
(To the seafront)
Got nobody ‘cause I’m brain dead
(She took the plunge)

5000 footsteps in your wet dress
Back to the house with your arms around my neck
We drank pork soda with tangled legs
I won’t forget how you looked at me then

I know I’m no sweet prince of love
Those times that we got drunk
Maybe Jamaica rum
Maybe some Johnny Dub
Maybe you still think of us
Phone buzz, and still I jump
Why don’t I say it then?
I want you all the time

Why can’t we laugh now like we did then?
How come I see you and ache instead?
How come you only look pleased in bed?
Let’s climb the cliff edge and jump again

Pineapples are in my head
(Pineapples are in my head)
Got nobody ‘cause I’m brain dead
(Got nobody ‘cause I’m brain dead)

Pineapples are in my head
(Pineapples are in my head)
Got nobody ‘cause I’m brain dead
(Got nobody ‘cause I’m brain dead)

Pineapples are in my head
(Pineapples are in my head)
Got nobody ‘cause I’m brain dead
(Got nobody ‘cause I’m brain dead)

Pineapples are in my head
(Pineapples are in my head)
Got nobody ‘cause I’m brain dead
(Got nobody ‘cause I’m brain dead)Glass Animals – Pork Soda – Ouvir Música

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Tracklist Mais Tocadas - Giro Musical 2023

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