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Letra Música Home – Gabrielle Aplin

I’m a phoenix in the water
A fish that’s learned to fly
And I’ve always been a daughter
But feathers are meant for the sky
So I’m wishing, wishing further
For the excitement to arrive
It’s just I’d rather be causing the chaos
Than laying at the sharp end of this knife

With every small disaster
I’ll let the waters still
Take me away to some place real

‘Cause they say home is where
Your heart is set in stone
Is where you go when you’re alone
Is where you go to rest your bones
And it’s not just where you lay your head
It’s not just where you make your bed
As long as we’re together
Does it matter where we go?


So when I’m ready to be bolder
And my cuts have healed with time
Comfort will rest on my shoulder
And I’ll bury my future behind

And I’ll always keep you with me
You’ll be always on my mind
But there’s a shining in the shadows
And I’ll never know unless I try

With every small disaster
I’ll let the waters still
Take me away to some place real

‘Cause they say home is where
Your heart is set in stone
Is where you go when you’re alone
Is where you go to rest your bones
And it’s not just where you lay your head
It’s not just where you make your bed
As long as we’re together
Does it matter where we go?


‘Cause they say home is where
Your heart is set in stone
Is where you go when you’re alone
Is where you go to rest your bones
And it’s not just where you lay your head
It’s not just where you make your bed
As long as we’re together
Does it matter where we go?

HomeGabrielle Aplin – Home – Ouvir Música

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