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Letra Música Free – Florence + The Machine

Sometimes I wonder if I should be medicated
If I would feel better just lightly sedated
A feeling comes so fast and I cannot control it
And I’m on fire, but I’m trying not to show it
As it picks me up, puts me down
Picks me up, puts me down
Picks me up, puts me down
A hundred times a day
Picks me up, puts me down
Chews me up, spits me out
Picks me up, puts me down

I’m always running from something
I push it back, but it keeps on coming
And being clever never got me very far
Because it’s all in my head
And you’re too sensitive, they say
I said, okay, but let’s discuss this at the hospital

As it picks me up, puts me down
Picks me up, puts me down
Picks me up, puts me down
A hundred times a day
Picks me up, puts me down
Chews me up, spits me out
Picks me up, puts me down

But I hear the music, I feel the beat
And for a moment, when I’m dancing, I am free
I hear the music, I feel the beat
And for a moment, when I’m dancing
I am free
I am free

Is this how it is?
Is this how it’s always been?
To exist in the face of suffering and death
And somehow still keep singing?
Oh, like Christ up on a cross
Who died for us, who died for what?
Oh, don’t you wanna call it off?
But there is nothing else that I know how to do
But to open up my arms and give it all to you

As I hear the music, I feel the beat
And for a moment, when I’m dancing
I am free
I am free
I am free
I am freeFlorence + The Machine – Free – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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