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Letra Música First – Cold War Kids

Cheated and lied, broken so bad
You made a vow, never get mad
You play the game, though it’s unfair
They’re all the same, who can compare?
First you lose trust, then you get worried
Night after night, bar after club
Dropping like flies, who woke you up
On the front lawn, sprinklers turned on
It’s not your house, where’d you go wrong?
First you get hurt, then you feel sorry

Flying like a cannonball, falling to the earth
Heavy as a feather when you hit the dirt
How am I the lucky one?
I do not deserve to wait around forever when you were there first
First you get hurt, then you feel sorry

There comes a time, in a short life
Turn it around, get a rewrite
Call it a dark night of the soul
Ticking of clocks, gravity’s pull
First you get close, then you get worried

Flying like a cannonball, falling to the earth
Heavy as a feather when you hit the dirt
How am I the lucky one?
I do not deserve to wait around forever when you were there first
First you get hurt, then you feel sorry

You’re going silent, the silent treatment
It’s not inviting now, don’t deny what you meant
You get excited, you get excited
You got a feel it, oh, at least you can pretend
You wanna light it, you wanna light it
You wanna light it now, the candle from both ends
You get excited, you get excited

Flying like a cannonball, falling to the earth
Heavy as a feather when you hit the dirt
How am I the lucky one?
I do not deserve to wait around forever when you were there first
Flying like a cannonball, falling to the earth
Heavy as a feather when you hit the dirt
How am I the lucky one?
I do not deserve to wait around forever when you were there first

First you get close, then you get worried
First you get close, then you get worried
First you get close, then you get worried
First you get close, then you get worried

You wanna light it, you wanna light it
You wanna light it now, the candle from both ends
You wanna light it, you wanna light it
You wanna light it now, the candle from both endsCold War Kids – First – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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