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Letra Música 7 – Catfish And The Bottlemen

Larry call a load of smoke in
I wanna lose a couple days
We’ve probably never struggled coping
But I never want to
Promise again that I would call her
Forget the time cause I’m 7 hours behind
It’s probably good I didn’t call though (but I always want to)

And I’d beg you, but you know I’m never home
And I’d love you, but I need another year alone
And I’ve tried to ignore it every time you phone
But I never come close

And I don’t think through things, I never get time
‘Cause I don’t think things through

Larry call a load of smoke in
I wanna disappear for days
We’ve probably never struggled sleeping
But I never want to

I’ll promise again that I would call her
Forget the time cause I’m 7 hours behind
It’s probably good I didn’t call though (but I always want to)

And I’d beg you, but you know I’m never home
And I’d love you, but I need another year alone
I’ve tried to ignore it every time you phone
But I never come close

I don’t think through things, I never get time
‘Cause I don’t think things through
I don’t think through things, I never get time
‘Cause I don’t think things through

And I’d beg you, but you know I’m never home
And I’d love you, but I need another second to myself
I’ve tried to ignore it every time you phone me
But I never come close

(I don’t think through things, I never get time)
And I’d beg you, but you know I’m never home
(‘Cause I don’t think things through)
And I’d love you, but I need another year alone
(I don’t think through things, I never get time)
I’ve tried to ignore it every time you phone
(‘Cause I don’t think things through)
But I never come closeCatfish And The Bottlemen – 7 – Ouvir Música

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