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Letra Música Past Lives – Børns

Past lives couldn’t ever hold me down
Lost love is sweeter when it’s finally found
I’ve got the strangest feeling
This isn’t our first time around
Past lives couldn’t ever come between us
Some time the dreamers finally wake up
Don’t wake me, I’m not dreaming
Don’t wake me, I’m not dreaming

All my past lives, they got nothing on me
Golden eagle, you’re the one and only
Flying high through the cities and the sky

I take you way back, cover centuries
Don’t you remember that you were
Meant to be my queen of hearts?
Meant to be my love

Through all of my lives
I never thought I’d wait so long for you
The timing is right, the stars are aligned

So save that heart for me
‘Cause girl you know that you’re my destiny
Swear to the Moon, the stars, the sons, and the daughters
Our love is deeper than the oceans of water

Hey, I need you now
I’ve waited, oh, so long, yeah
Baby love, I need you now
I’ve waited, oh, so long

Passing seasons, empty bottles of wine
My ancient kingdom
Came crashing down without you, baby child
I’m lost without your love

Diamond sparrow, my moonlit majesty
You know I need you, come flying back to me

Through all of my lives
I never thought I’d wait so long for you
The timing is right, the stars are aligned

So save that heart for me
‘Cause, girl, you know that you’re my destiny
Swear to the Moon, the stars, the sons, and the daughters
Our love is deeper than the oceans of water

Save that heart for me
And, girl, I’ll give you everything you need
Here’s to our past lives, our mothers and fathers
Our love is deeper than the oceans of water

Hey, I need you now
I’ve waited, oh, so long, yeah
Baby love, I need you now
I’ve waited, oh, so long

Hey, I need you now
I’ve waited, oh, so long, yeah
Baby love, I need you now
I’ve waited, oh, so long

So save that heart for me
‘Cause, girl, you know that you’re my destiny
Swear to the Moon, the stars, the sons, and the daughters
Our love is deeper than the oceans of water

Save that heart for me
And, girl, I’ll give you everything you need
Here’s to our past lives, our mothers and fathers
Our love is deeper than the oceans of water

Hey, I need you now
I’ve waited, oh, so longBørns – Past Lives – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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