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Letra Música White Flag – Bishop Briggs

Take a hit, shoot me down, shoot me down
I will never hit the ground, hit the ground
Playing dead, I’ll never do
Gotta keep an eye on you
Patience is wearing thin, paper thin
Promises broke again, what a sin
But it only feeds my energy
So don’t expect no sympathy

Smoke, fire, it’s all going up
Don’t you know I ain’t afraid to shed a little blood
Smoke, fire, flares are going up, flares are going up

Oh, won’t wave my white flag, no
This time I won’t let go
I’d rather die
Than give up the fight, give up the fight
Give up the fight, give up the fight

Won’t wave my white flag, no
Oh, I won’t go down slow
I’d rather die
Than give up the fight, give up the fight
Give up the fight, give up the fight

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa

Put an x on my chest, on my chest
But I’m still standing cause I won’t forget
The hell on earth you put me through
I’ll save myself in spite of you

Smoke, fire, it’s all going up
Don’t you know I ain’t afraid to shed a little blood
Smoke, fire, flares are going up, flares are going up

Oh, won’t wave my white flag, no
This time I won’t let go
I’d rather die
Than give up the fight, give up the fight
Give up the fight, give up the fight

Won’t wave my white flag, no
Oh, I won’t go down slow
I’d rather die
Than give up the fight, give up the fight
Give up the fight, give up the fight

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa

White flag never going up, never going up, no, no
White flag never going up, never going up, no, no
White flag never going up, never going up, no, no

Oh, won’t wave my white flag, no
(Wave my white flag)
This time I won’t let go
(Won’t let go)
I’d rather die
Than give up the fight, give up the fight
Give up the fight, give up the fight

Won’t wave my white flag, no
(Wave my white flag)
Oh, I won’t go down slow
(Go down slow)
I’d rather die
Than give up the fight, give up the fight
Give up the fight, give up the fight (give the fight)

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa
Raise my white flag
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa
Raise my white flag, noBishop Briggs – White Flag – Ouvir Música

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