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Letra Música I Love You Always Forever – Betty Who

Feels like I’m standing in a timeless dream
A light mist of pale Amber Rose
Feels like I’m lost in a deep cloud of heavenly scent
Touching, discovering you
Those days of warm rains come rushing back to me
Miles of windless, summer night air
Secret moments shot in the heat of the afternoon
Out of the stillness, soft spoken words

I love you always, forever
Near and far, closer together
Everywhere, I will be with you
Everything, I will do for you

I love you always, forever
Near and far, closer together
Everywhere, I will be with you
Everything, I will do for you

You’ve got the most unbelievable blue eyes I’ve ever seen
You’ve got me almost melting away
As we lay there, under a blue sky of pure white stars
It’s like sweetness and magical time

I love you always, forever
Near and far, closer together
Everywhere, I will be with you
Everything, I will do for you

I love you always, forever
Near and far, closer together
Everywhere, I will be with you
Everything, I will do for you

Say you’ll love me forever
Never stop, never whatever
Near and far, always and everywhere and everything

Say you’ll love me forever
Never stop, never whatever
Near and far, always and everywhere and everything

Say you’ll love me forever
Never stop, never whatever
Near and far, always and everywhere and everything

Say you’ll love me forever
Never stop, never whatever
Near and far, always and everywhere and everything

I love you always, forever
Near and far, closer together
Everywhere, I will be with you
Everything, I will do for you

I love you always, forever
Near and far, closer together
Everywhere, I will be with you
Everything, I will do for you

I love you always, forever
Near and far, closer together
Everywhere, I will be with you
Everything, I will do for youBetty Who – I Love You Always Forever – Ouvir Música

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