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Letra Música Heathens – AURORA

She bargains with the world
So everything she wants will come to her
With no greed inside her mind
She knows what she deserves
We fell from sky with grace
And landed in her soft and warm embrace
She gave her love, her gift of life
So we could live with her

That is why we live like heathens
Stealing from the trees of Eden
Living in the arms of freedom
And everything we touch is evil
That is why we live like heathens

The stone, the dirt, the dust
The unforgiving promise made to us
Unworthy of your light, your God, your touch
We’re guided by the lust

We cry the fallen names
We cry for those who burn beneath the flame
We stand besides the good and brave
The broken and enslaved

That is why we live like heathens
Stealing from the trees of Eden
Living in the arms of freedom
And everything we touch is evil
That is why we live like heathens

Everything you touch will be hers
A mother with no heart will give love
Her love is yours
But only if you give your heart to her

That is why we live like heathens
Stealing from the trees of Eden
Living in the arms of freedom
And everything we touch is evil
That is why we live like heathens

That is why we live like heathens
That is why we live like heathensAURORA – Heathens – Ouvir Música

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