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Letra Música Daydreamer – AURORA

White, silicon eyes, watching storms, sitting quiet
Reading books in the heat of city lights
Bored, everyone’s bored
When I’m restless, put me under the night life stars
And I will feel grounded
I know I’m just a girl
But can I change lives?
If I am nothing, if I am trying, I think I can
I step on broken glass and dream of soft clouds
When feelings are heavy, they become all we are

And we become night time dreamers
And street walkers, small talkers
When we should be daydreamers
And moonwalkers and dream talkers

And we become night time dreamers
Street walkers, small talkers
When we should be daydreamers
And moonwalkers and dream talkers
In real life

The quiet lust belongs to all of us
And drives us closer into the madness
Of the world, of a girl
(And it suits me just fine)
‘Cause everyone dies, and nobody loves
And somebody dies right now
I hear the quiet, sweet music that no one’s sing

And we become night time dreamers
Street walkers and small talkers
When we should be daydreamers
And moonwalkers and dream talkers

And we become night time dreamers
Street walkers, small talkers
When we should be daydreamers
And moonwalkers and dream talkers
In real life

All I ever know is what I dream about when I’m sober
Never turn away from love
Before the love, you have is over
All I ever know is what I dream about when I’m sober
Never turn away from love
Before the love, you have is over

Nothing can die while we are here
Nothing can die while we are here
Nothing can die while we are here
Nothing can die while we are here

Then we become night time dreamers
(Nothing can die while we are here)
Street walkers and small talkers
(Nothing can die while we are here)
When we should be daydreamers
(Nothing can die while we are here)
And moonwalkers and dream talkers
(Nothing can die while we are here)

And we become night time dreamers
(Nothing can die while we are here)
Street walkers, small talkers
(Nothing can die while we are here)
When we should be daydreamers
(Nothing can die while we are here)
When we should be daydreamers
(Nothing can die while, nothing can die)
DaydreamersAURORA – Daydreamer – Ouvir Música

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