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Letra Música Touchy Feely Fool – AJR

Well, I’m not too superstitious
But I knock on wood a lot
Prayin’ I wake up tomorrow
Get the guts to tell you off
But I know I’ll never get there
You could scream you wish me dead
But I’ll crawl back to you tomorrow
Why the hell can’t I get mad?
Someday, won’t this be funny?
Well, I want it funny now
Man, I wanna laugh so loud
Someday, won’t this be long ago?
I wanna feel that now
Sorry if I can’t see how

I’m screwed
But hey, what can you do?
I’m a touchy feely fool
I would give anything to not give a shit about you
Life is pretty cruel
For a touchy feely fool
I would give anything to not give a shit, but I do

I would give anything to not give a shit

Well, I’m not too claustrophobic
But I lose my breath sometimes
Now I can’t even talk to ya
Now your lawyer talks to minе
Could you teach me to be ruthlеss?
Could I be unfeeling too?
Maybe someday when I’m older
I’ll be better off like you

I’m better off a stick
I’m better off a stone
I’m better off a jerk
I’m better off alone
I’m better not feeling stress or feeling bliss
I won’t feel much
At least I won’t be feelin’ this

I’m screwed
But hey, what can you do?
I’m a touchy feely fool
I would give anything to not give a shit about you
Life is pretty cruel
For a touchy feely fool
I would give anything to not give a shit, but I do (I do, I do)
I would give anything to not give a shit

But someday, won’t this be funny?
Well, I want it funny now
Man, I wanna laugh so loud
Someday, won’t this be long ago?
I wanna feel that now
I’m sorry if I can’t see how

Someday, someday, somedayAJR – Touchy Feely Fool – Ouvir Música

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