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Letra Música Karma – AJR

I’ve been so good
I’ve been helpful and friendly
I’ve been so good
Why am I feeling empty?
I’ve been so good
I’ve been so good this year
I’ve been so good
But it’s still getting harder
I’ve been so good
Where the hell is the karma?
I’ve been so good
I’ve been so good this year

Why are you asking me why?
My days and nights are filled with disappointment
Fine, oh, no, everything’s fine
I’m not sure why I booked today’s appointment

I’ve been so good
I’ve been helpful and friendly
I’ve been so good
Why am I feeling empty?
I’ve been so good
I’ve been so good this year

And I’ve been so good
But it’s still getting harder
I’ve been so good
Where the hell is the karma?
I’ve been so good
I’ve been so good this year

What? Am I normal or not?
Am I crazier than other patients?
Right, I’ve done everything right
So where’s the karma, doc? I’ve lost my patience

‘Cause I’ve been so good
I’ve been working my ass off
I’ve been so good
Still, I’m lonely and stressed out
I’ve been so good
I’ve been so good this year

And I’ve been so good
But it’s still getting harder
I’ve been so good
Where the hell is the karma?
I’ve been so good
I’ve been so good this year

Ah, ah, ah
Ah, ah, ah
I’ve been so good this year
I’ve been so good this year

Time, I know we’re out of time
But what if sad thoughts come and I can’t stop it?
Bye, I don’t wanna say bye
If only I could keep you in my pocket

To give me some diagnosis of why I’m so hollow
Please give me instructions, I promise I’ll follow
I tripped on my ankle and fractured my elbow
But doesn’t that mean that the tour’s gonna sell, though?

I try to explain the good faith that’s been wasted
But after an hour, it sounds like complaining
Wait, don’t go away, can I lie here forever?
You say that I’m better, why don’t I feel better?

The universe works in mysterious ways
But I’m starting to think it ain’t working for me
Doctor, should I be good?
Should I be good this year?AJR – Karma – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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