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Letra Música Inertia – AJR

I’ve worn the same skinny jeans
Since I was fifteen
It’s probably nothing
My friends say they’re quittin’ this week
To chase down their dreams
They’re probably bluffin’ but
Don’t you like it bigger, better
But you do what you can? (do what you can)
Don’t you like a little better
When you don’t understand? (don’t understand)
I was gonna save the planet
But today I got plans
I guess this is just what I am

I’m an object in motion
I’ve lost all emotion
My two legs are broken
But look at me dance
An object in motion
Don’t ask where I’m going
‘Cause where I am goin’ is right where I am
Where I am goin’ is right where I am

You said you’d break up with her
But she met your family
And dating’s the worst, yeah
Now, you’re not in love anymore
But you’ll stick it out
For, like, twenty years more, sayin’

Don’t you like it bigger, better
But you do what you can? (do what you can)
Don’t you like a little better
When you don’t understand? (don’t understand)
I was gonna save the planet
But today I got plans
I guess this is just what I am

I’m an object in motion
I’ve lost all emotion
My two legs are broken
But look at me dance
An object in motion
Don’t ask where I’m going
‘Cause where I am goin’ is right where I am
Where I am goin’ is right where I am
Where I am goin’ is right where I am

I wanna move out of this town
But everyone knows me
And packin’ is tirin’
I said I would start workin’ out
But I’m fuckin’ hungry
And screw you, I’m tryin’

I wanna be big like my plans
So why am I so tiny?
And why am I so mad?
It’s inertia (inertia)
Guess this is just what I am
I’m stuck in this life
And I’m stuck in these pants

I’m an object in motion
I’ve lost all emotion
My two legs are broken
But look at me dance (look at me dance)
An object in motion
Don’t ask where I’m going
‘Cause where I am goin’ is right where I am (right where I am)
(Don’t you like it bigger, better, but you do what you can?)
Where I am goin’ is right where I am (right where I am)
(Don’t you like a little better, but you do what you can?)
Where I am goin’ is right where I am

Oh, inertiaAJR – Inertia – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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