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Letra Música Hole in the Bottom of My Brain – AJR

There’s a hole in the bottom of my brain
But when I party, the hole goes away
But the party I throw needs a picture to post
So the world knows the party was great
There’s a hole in the bottom of my brain
But when you like me, the hole goes away
So there’s like’s and hello’s
On a post on my phone of a party I throw
In the hole in the bottom of my brain
(This is how you do it right)

Heads-up, I’m sorry to be that guy
Heads-up, I’m lookin’ to just get by
Let’s just say, let’s just say we’re fine

There’s a hole in the bottom of my brain
But when you love me, the hole goes away
And the likes on my phone, yeah, they’ll start to explode
If I go and explode in L.A.
There’s a hole in the bottom of my brain
If I make money, the hole goes away
Now, there’s a thing made of gold
In a home that I own from a song that I wrote
About ‘like’s and ‘hello’s on a post on my phone of a party I throw

In the hole in the bottom of my brain
(This is how you do it right)

Heads-up, I’m sorry to be that guy
Heads-up, I’m lookin’ to just get by
Let’s just say, let’s just say we’re fine
Doo-doo doo-doo-doo doo-doo
Doo-doo doo-doo-doo doo-doo
Let’s just say, let’s just say we’re fine

There’s a hole in the bottom of my brain
When I spend money, the hole goes away
If I finally get clothes that are fancily sewn
I could finally be ready for fame

There’s a hole in the bottom of your brain
When you get famous, the hole goes away
Now, there’s coke on the nose of a bro I don’t know
In a show, we’ll wear clothes that were fancily sewn
In a town that I loathe on a coast that gets stoked on the thing made of gold
In a home that I own from a song that I wrote
About ‘like’s and ‘hello’s on a post on my phone of a party I throw
But I know I’m alone, yeah, I know I’m alone
In the hole in the bottom of my brainAJR – Hole in the Bottom of My Brain – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

Tracklist Mais Tocadas - Giro Musical 2023

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