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Letra Música 2085 – AJR

You are not alone, just know
Just know
You are not alone, just know
Just know
If somebody told me I’d die at 40
I wouldn’t have spent my time in bed
Writin’ my dumb songs, my growin’ up songs
I shoulda just grown up instead

You are not alone, just know
Just know

Now all of the interns are no longer interns
How long have I been out of town?
‘Cause sometimes I wonder if I had kissed her
How different life would be right now

I smile when I cry to hide what I felt
I’m doin’ fine, speak for yourself
I shoulda just asked for help

It’s 2085 and we’re old as shit
I’d hate to havе to die ‘fore I get my head together
(You are not alone, just know, just know)

So finish your work now, it’s gettin’ warm out
If you got friends, don’t let them leave
I turned 20-somethin’, it didn’t mean nothing
‘Cause not one of them were there to see

You are not alone, just know
Just know

And go tell your grandson to go tell his grandson
You don’t have to try so hard, ya know
‘Cause I spent my whole life tryna be so liked
That only made ‘em hate me more

Did I make you proud?
Did I screw this up?
Sing with me now
It’s all that I’ve got
To know if I did or not (okay, okay)

It’s 2085 and we’re old as shit
I’d hate to have to die ‘fore I get my head together
(You are not alone, just know, just know)
(You are not alone, just know, just know)

Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh
You gotta get better, you’re all that I’ve got
Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh
Don’t take forever, you’re not here for long
Ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh ah-ah-ah-ah
You gotta get better, you’re all that I’ve got

I wish I was me, whoever that is
I could just be and not give a shit
Hey, I’ll be whatever makes you a fan
‘Cause I don’t know who the hell I am

I think it’s too late to figure this out
If I could be me, I would’ve been it by now
Maybe I’m a stone, or big as my house
It looks like our time is runnin’ out

So if this is me, then I’ll do my best
I’ll take all the shit, so you’ll never have to
You can be you, and I’ll be the rest
And maybe that’s who the hell I am

Ah-ah-ah-ah ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh
You gotta get better, you’re all that I’ve got
Ah-ah-ah-ah oh-oh-oh-oh
Don’t take forever, you’re not here for long
Da-da-da-da da-da-da-da
You gotta get better, you’re all that I’ve got
Da-da-da-da da-da-da-da
But don’t take forever, you’re not here for long
Mm-mm-mm-mm mm-mm-mm-mm
I gotta get better, I’m all that I’ve got
Mm-mm-mm-mm mm-mm-mm-mm
For two or three minutes, then I’m goneAJR – 2085 – Ouvir Música

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