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Letra Música Loverboy – A-Wall

Yeah, you can call me lover boy
They say I throw my heart around
And you can be my lover, girl
I’ll pick you up, drive you around
I’ll show you how to fall in love
We’ll be the talk of all the town
Now everybody wants to be like us
They getting jealous, feeling out
Oh, wow

Kill the lights
So, baby, close your eyes
The way you’re looking at me
You got me mesmerized

Something I can’t escape
Feel like I’m lost in space
You’ve got that good loving
Girl, if you leave me, I might throw my heart away

You know my heart can’t take the break
Nothing will ever be the same
We’ll meet again some other day
Oh, yeah

It’s such a shame
Somehow the love came to an end
You starting talking to a tool
You’re telling lies to all your friends

You know damn well it should be me
But I’m moving on, doing my best
Now everyone whispers things ‘bout us
You’re hearing voices in your head
Can’t forget

Kill the lights
So, baby, close your eyes
The way you’re looking at me
You got me mesmerized

Something I can’t escape
Feel like I’m lost in space
You’ve got that good loving
Girl, if you leave me, I might throw my heart away

You know my heart can’t take the break
Nothing will ever be the same
We’ll meet again some other day
Oh, yeah, oh, yeah

Kill the lights
So, baby, close your eyes
The way you’re looking at me
You got me mesmerized

Something I can’t escape
Feel like I’m lost in space
You’ve got that good loving
Girl, if you leave me, I might throw my heart away

You know my heart can’t take the break
Nothing will ever be the same
We’ll meet again some other day
Oh, yeah, oh, yeah

Kill the lights
So baby close your eyes
The way you’re looking at me
You got me mesmerized

Something I can’t escape
Feel like I’m lost in space
You’ve got that good loving
Girl, if you leave me, I might throw my heart away

You know my heart can’t take the break
Nothing will ever be the same
We’ll meet again some other dayA-Wall – Loverboy – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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