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Letra Música My Boo (feat. Usher) – Alicia Keys

There’s always that one person
That will always have your heart
You’ll never see it coming
‘Cause you’re blinded from the start
Know that you’re that one for me
It’s clear for everyone to see
Ooh, baby, ooh, you’ll always be my boo

I don’t know about y’all
But I know about us and that
This is the only way
We know how to rock

I don’t know about y’all
But I know about us and that
This is the only way
We know how to rock

Do you remember, girl?
I was the one who gave you your first kiss
‘Cause I remember, girl
I was the one who said: put your lips like this

Even before all the fame and
People screaming your name
Girl, I was there and you were my baby

It started when we were young, girl
You were mine, my boo
Now another brother’s taking over
But it’s still in your eyes, my boo

Even though we used to argue, it’s alright
I know we haven’t seen each other in a while
But you will always be my boo

I was in love with you when we were younger
You were mine, my boo
And I see it from time to time
I still feel like my boo

And I can see it no matter
How I try to hide, my boo
Even though there’s another man in my life
You will always be my boo

Yes, I remember, boy
‘Cause after we kissed
I could only think about your lips

Yes, I remember, boy
The moment I knew you were the one
I could spend my life with

Even before all the fame
And people screaming your name
I was there and you were my baby

It started when we were young, girl
You were mine, my boo
Now another brother’s taking over
But it’s still in your eyes, my boo

Even though we used to argue, it’s alright
I know we haven’t seen each other in a while
But you will always be my boo

I was in love with you when we were younger
You were mine, my boo
And I see it from time to time
I still feel like my boo

And you can see it no matter
How I try to hide, my boo
Even though there’s another man in my life
You will always be my boo

Oh, my oh, my oh, my oh, my, my boo
My oh, my oh, my oh, my oh, my boo

It started when we were young, girl
You were mine, my boo
Now another brother’s taking over
But its still in your eyes my boo

Even though we used to argue, it’s alright
I know we haven’t seen each other in a while
But you will always be my boo

I don’t know about y’ll
But I know about us and that
This is the only way
We know how to rock

I don’t know about y’ll
But I know about us and that
This is the only way
We know how to rock

Alicia Keys – My Boo (feat. Usher) – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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