Letra Música I’m The Man, That Will Find You – Alice Russell

Hey, I never get it all right, get it all right
Be my baby, and I will wait you all night, wait you all night long
Be a minute, I’ve been waiting long for you, you know, you
You be my baby, because I can wait it long time!
I, I’m the man that will find you
(Til the end of day)
I, I’m the man that will find you
(Til the end of day)
I, I’m the man that will find you

Hey, I never get it all right, all (you know)
You be my baby, cause I’ve been waiting long for you (you know)
You be my baby, cause I can wait it long time
You, you’ll never gonna buy those legs, so I am
Hey baby, cause I can wait it all time!

I, I’m the man that will find you
(Til the end of day)
I, I’m the man that will find you
(Til the end of day)
I, I’m the man that will find you

Listen to your heart,
When feels right from the start
Your empty kind of strange
Yours is for the past.
Listen to your head
When you’re drowning every day.

I, I’m the man that will find you
(Til the end of day)
I, I’m the man that will find you
(Til the end of day)
I, I’m the man that will find you

I will love you
I’m the man that will find you
I will love you, baby!
I’m the man that will find you
I will lo-oooove you
I’m the man that will find you
I-I-I-I-I love you-uuu
I’m the man that will find you
I will never spend a moment with you single

Alice Russell – I’m The Man, That Will Find You – Ouvir Música

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