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Letra Música D-Day – Agust D

Future’s gonna be okay (okay)

Okay, okay, look at the mirror and I see no pain (no pain)

I’d die for real till the d-day

But it’s gonna be okay (okay)

Time for some paycheck and I’m ridin’ downtown

Switch (switch) over, (over) time tickin’ and over (woo-ooh)

Future’s gonna be okay (okay)

Okay, okay, look at the mirror and I see no pain (no pain)

I’d die for real, I see karma gon’ be comin’ back for me

Time for some paycheck and I’m ridin’ downtown

Switch (switch) over, (over) time tickin’ and over (woo-ooh)

D-day’s coming, it’s a fucking good day (woo)

이날을 위해서 여지껏 미로를 거닌듯해 (woo)

어쩌면 어리숙했던 지난날은 이제 over (yeah, yeah, yeah, oh, yeah)

다시 태어날 우릴 위해 축배를 다시금 들어 (yeah)

미움이 가득한 세상에 증오는

더더욱 불필요하네 (okay)

연꽃은 진흙탕 속에서도 찬란하게 꽃피우기에

아등바등 남과 비교 열등감 자기혐오

이런 것들로 향해 오늘부로 총구를 겨눠 (yeah, yeah, yeah)

당신은 무엇인가? 한계 따윈 부셔내 인마

과거를 후회 말고 미래를 두려워하지 마 인마

피할 수 없음 맞고 충분히 아프고 말길, yeah

괜히 상처를 헤집으면서

흉터를 키우질 말길, yeah (woo-ooh)

I can’t remember, yеah

I can’t remember, yеah

I can’t remember, yeah

Don’t say no more (yeah, yeah, yeah)

I can’t remember, yeah

I can’t remember, yeah

Switch over, time tickin’ and over

Future’s gonna be okay (okay)

Okay, okay, look at the mirror and I see no pain (yeah, yeah, yeah)

I’d die for real till the d-day

But it’s gonna be okay (okay)

Time for some paycheck and I’m ridin’ downtown

Switch (switch) over, (over) time tickin’ and over (woo-ooh)

Future’s gonna be okay (okay)

Okay, okay, look at the mirror and I see no pain (no pain, no pain)

I’d die for real, I see karma gon’ be comin’ back for me (back for me)

Time for some paycheck and I’m ridin’ downtown (woo)

Switch (switch) over, (over) time tickin’ and over (oh)

D-day’s coming 금지된 것들로부터

해방됨과 동시에 당신의 뉴 챕터를 열어

고여 있기엔 우리는 여전히 젊고도 어려

어제보다 나은 오늘을 위한 최소의 노력 (yeah, yeah, yeah)

당신은 무엇인가? 한계 따윈 없는 거야 인마

과거는 지나갔고 미래는 먼 얘기

뭘 두려워해 인마

과거는 과거일 뿐 (yeah) 현재는 현재일 뿐 (yeah)

미래는 미래일 뿐 과한 의미 부연

힘들어 십중팔구 (oh, yeah)

오늘부로 미로를 지나 새로운 시작을 시작

증오로 뒤덮인 세상에 다시 연꽃이 핀다 (okay, okay, okay)

그래 D-day’s coming (coming) 당당히 가슴을 펴길, yeah

증명은 당신 몫이니 부디 증명해 내길, yeah (yeah, yeah, woo-ooh)

I can’t remember, yeah

I can’t remember, yeah

I can’t remember, yeah

Don’t say no more (yeah, yeah, yeah)

I can’t remember, yeah

I can’t remember, yeah

Switch over, time tickin’ and over

Future’s gonna be okay (okay)

Okay, okay, look at the mirror and I see no pain (yeah, yeah, yeah)

I’d die for real till the d-day

But it’s gonna be okay (okay)

Time for some paycheck and I’m ridin’ downtown

Switch (switch) over, (over) time tickin’ and over (woo-ooh)

Future’s gonna be okay (okay)

Okay, okay, look at the mirror and I see no pain (no pain)

I’d die for real, I see karma gon’ be comin’ back for me (back for me)

Time for some paycheck and I’m ridin’ downtown (woo)

Switch (switch) over, (over) time tickin’ and over (woo-ooh)

Agust D – D-Day – Ouvir Música

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