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Letra Música Oh My God – Adele

I ain’t got too much time to spare

But I’ll make time for you to show how much I care

Wish that I would let you break my walls

But I’m still spinning out of control from the fall

Boy, you give good love, I won’t lie

It’s what keeps me coming back even though I’m terrified

I know that it’s wrong

But I want to have fun

Hmm, yeah, hmm, yeah

I know that it’s wrong

But I want to have fun

Hmm, yeah, hmm, yeah

Oh my God, I can’t believe it

Out of all the people in the world

What is the likelihood of jumping

Out of my life and into your arms?

Maybe, baby, I’m just losing my mind

‘Cause this is trouble, but it feels right

Teetering on the edge of heaven and hell

Is a battle that I cannot fight

I’m a fool, but they all think I’m blind

I’d rather be a fool than leave myself behind

I don’t have to explain myself to you

I am a grown woman and I do what I want to do

I know that it’s wrong

But I want to have fun

Hmm, yeah, hmm, yeah

I know that it’s wrong

But I want to have fun

Hmm, yeah, hmm, yeah

Oh my God, I can’t believe it

Out of all the people in the world

What is the likelihood of jumping

Out of my life and into your arms?

Maybe, baby, I’m just losing my mind

‘Cause this is trouble, but it feels right

Teetering on the edge of heaven and hell

Is a battle that I cannot fight

Lord don’t let me

I said, Lord don’t let me

I said, Lord don’t let me, let me down (oh, Lord)

Lord don’t let me

I said, Lord don’t let me

I said, Lord don’t let me, let me down (don’t let me let myself down)

Lord don’t let me

I said, Lord don’t let me

I said, Lord don’t let me, let me down (oh my God)

Lord don’t let me

I said, Lord don’t let me

I said, Lord don’t let me, let me down

Oh my God, I can’t believe it

Out of all the people in the world

What is the likelihood of jumping

Out of my life and into your arms?

Maybe, baby, I’m just losing my mind

‘Cause this is trouble, but it feels right

Teetering on the edge of heaven and hell

Is a battle that I cannot fight

I know that it’s wrong

But I want to have fun

Hmm, yeah, hmm, yeah

I know that it’s wrong

But I want to have fun

Hmm, yeah, hmm, yeah

Adele – Oh My God – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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