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Letra Música Sidewalks (feat. Kendrick Lamar) – The Weeknd

[The Weeknd]
I ran out of tears when I was 18
So nobody made me but the main streets
‘Cause too many people think they made me
Well if they really made me then replace me
Homeless to Forbes List, these niggas bring no stress
I feel like Moses, I feel like I’m chosen
And if you ain’t my nigga then your girl single to me
I don’t give a damn if a nigga said he knew me
Grew up with no father so nobody ever “son” me
My flow too sick, Kevin Costner couldn’t touch me
I know you wish that nobody ever love me
I feel useless when I’m never making money
Well, this the life we always fantasized
Rich folk problem through a Queen Street nigga’s eyes
Every time you see me pulling up in Aventadors
Just know we been grinding on them sidewalks
[The Weeknd]
Sidewalks saved my life
They don’t ever lie
Sidewalks saved my life
They showed me all the signs

[Daniel Wilson]
They don’t let me down
But they lead me on
And they don’t let me down
But they lead me on
And they lead me on

[Kendrick Lamar]
Say, say say
I come from Myrtle, one brung late night melee
Say, say, say
We hung all summer, sprung mattress with bae bae
Say, say, say
Trippin’ off Dyke, and my name strike with pay day
Say, say, say
Flippin’ blue lighting, tightening, strapped with AK
Say, say, say
OG one, told me one, show me one, eight ways
How to segue
Pussy, power, profit in headache
I reminisce my life innocence
Or life innocent
Or life intimate, with fame
Like when repent
Light limo tint with light women, dark women on it
Awe kenny, good game
She wanna hang with a Starboy
The sun and the moon and star, boy
Astronomer, anonymous
I line ‘em up, grind ‘em up, these nine of us
And 5 of us have probably fucked
She mollied up, I tallied up all the parts boy
Twenty legs, arms, head (head)
Head, head, more head (head)
Oh God bless the dead (yeah)
I’m livin’ life high off life
I wear my chokes off to bed
I’m the greatest nigga, why you so scared to say it?
I wanna rock, I wanna rock, I wanna cop more land
I never stop
I wanna quick advance on a bill if it ain’t one
Break everything, I’m a hustler, came from

[The Weeknd]
Sidewalks saved my life
Sidewalks saved my life
They don’t ever lie
Sidewalks saved my life
Sidewalks saved my life
They showed me all the signs

[Daniel Wilson]
They don’t let me down
But they lead me on
And they don’t let me down
But they lead me on
And they lead me on

The Weeknd – Sidewalks (feat. Kendrick Lamar) – Ouvir Música

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