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Letra Música Paint – The Paper Kites

We were trying, but we’re trying no more
It’s cold on the floor, cold on the floor
This house has never been the same as before
It’s never felt warm, never felt warm
There’s something moving through the windows and walls
I’ve seen it before, seen it before
You left me living with a lingering soul,
How little you know, how little you know
We were standing at the foot of a path
I had to go back, had to go back
I chose to travel as a lonely man
So much that I lacked, so much that I lacked
I’m always wishing I was walking that road
It’s something I hold, something I hold
I take it with me all the places I go
How little you know, how little you know

I only eat to fill me up
I only sleep to rest
I need a love just like you gave
I haven’t found it yet, found it yet

See, where I am is where I’m wanting to be
I know what I need, know what I need
And there are many different places to see
I know how to dream, know how to dream
Still there’s a wound and I’m moving slow
Though it don’t show, though it don’t show
I’ve got a hole where nothing grows
How little you know little you know

I only eat to fill me up
I only sleep to rest
I need a love just like you gave
I haven’t found it yet, found it yet

Maybe we’d marry and we’d work it out fine
In some other time, some other time
And we are happy when I’m walking that line
It’s all in my mind, all in my mind
I paint the ceiling so that nobody knows
I cover it slow, cover it slow
It’s like you’ve never even met me before
How little I show, little I show

The Paper Kites – Paint – Ouvir Música

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