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Letra Música Who’s Foolin’ Who? – The Mighty Mighty BossTones

They know exactly what they’re up to

They know precisely what their doing

I’ve seen their kind before, they’ve got a lot in store

A lot you’re not going to believe

They’ve got some cards that their not showin

They’re playing games you’ll never win

They’ve got a trick or two, designed to fuck with you

They’ve got something up their sleeve

Don’t let them play you for a fool

You’ll be sorry if you do

Sure, the whole world might be fooled

Make sure no ones’ foolin’ you

I’m sure that you won’t even want it

I’m sure, you won’t take my advice

I’m sure you’ll disregard, you’ll learn your lesson hard

And then I’ll say I told you so

So when them tear drops start a-droppin’

And your hearts been torn in half

When it’s all over then, you’ll hear these words again

And then, and only then you’ll know

Don’t let them play you for a fool

You’ll be sorry if you do

Sure, the whole world might be fooled

Make sure no ones’ foolin’ you

You think, that what I think is nonsense

You think, they always think of you

You’re not the first or last, they’ve got a spell to cast

And while you’re under it so long

They’ve got you good right where they want you

You think you’re where you wanna be

Say what I’ve gotta say, and then be on my way

Some day you’ll know I wasn’t wrong

Don’t let them play you for a fool

You’ll be sorry if you do

Sure, the whole world might be fooled

Make sure no ones’ foolin’ you

Don’t let them play you for a fool

The Mighty Mighty BossTones – Who’s Foolin’ Who? – Ouvir Música

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