Letra Música Before The Storm – The Frozen Autumn

The wind is blowing fast and

I feel it in my heart

And still the air s freezing

I feel the cold inside

It starts the rain again and

I just sit down and wait and

I feel that something’s changing

I should never stay here alone

Before the storm

I hear your footsteps in the fog

Before the storm

Grey eyes under grey skies… Again

Before the storm

Should I… Should I meet you again?

Before the storm

Please don’t leave me alone

I got no one at all

Echo fills the empty fears

Before the storm

And when I have bad dreams

All I need is a hope

Feeling’s digging silently inside of me

Before the storm

In this garden of tears

There’s a vision of years

And I can see the same old scene

Before the storm

I see the clouds at distance

I clearly hear their sound

The sky is changing colours

Light thunders all around

I close my eyes and listen

I hear the storm is coming

I feel the memory fades

I should never stay here alone

Before the storm

I hear your footsteps in the fog

Before the storm

Grey eyes under grey skies… Again

Before the storm

Should I… Should I meet you again?

Before the storm

Please don’t leave me alone

I got no one at al

Echo fills the empty fears

Before the storm

And when I have bad dreams

All I need is a hope

Feeling’s digging silently inside of me

Before the storm

In this garden of tears

There’s a vision of years

And I can see the same old scene

Before the storm


Before the storm

The Frozen Autumn – Before The Storm – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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