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Letra Música Rivers Of Mercy – Tears For Fears

Well, the streets have started burning

There’s trouble in the towns

Guess the devil loves his playground

That’s for sure

I too often see the world through a veil of tears

Well, to hell with my immunity

Gonna hold you close

‘Til the shadows disappear

If by magic, you mean the ocean

If by tragic, you mean the end

We weren’t wrong, we were just hungry

For manna from Heaven

And come and drown me in the infinite sea

Drop me in rivers of mercy, yeah

Dare I imagine some faith and understanding?

Drop me in rivers of mercy, yeah

Bring out the dead tonight

And bathe them in your sacred light to

Wash away the pain

Save me from the shadows, yeah

Cry like a siren, the light on my horizon

Drop me in rivers of mercy, yeah

Show me mercy, miracle waters

Make me golden, part of the dream

We got stung, we were just lovers

Born of temptation

Slow down, river, and float me upstream

Drop me in rivers of mercy, yeah

Dare I imagine some faith and understanding?

Drop me in rivers of mercy, yeah

Bring out the dead tonight

And bathe them in your sacred light to

Wash away the pain

Save me from the shadows, yeah

Cry like a siren, the light on my horizon

Drop me in rivers of mercy, yeah

Spinning upside down

In the wake of mighty waves

See the anger of the world

When feelings run high

When feelings are so raw

We will give in to the night

Drop me in rivers of mercy, yeah

Dare I imagine some faith and understanding?

Drop me in rivers of mercy, yeah

Bring out the dead tonight

And bathe them in your sacred light to

Wash away the pain

Save me from the shadows, yeah

Cry like a siren, the light on my horizon

Drop me in rivers of mercy, yeah

Tears For Fears – Rivers Of Mercy – Ouvir Música

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