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Letra Música Sorry Is A Sorry Word – Tarrus Riley

Your words have no meaning
Cause you continue to do the same thing
Now sorry is a Sorry word
Look at all i’ve done for you
Come with your sweet la la
Call me a sweetheart
And everyday you break another piece of my heart

Am sorry that, you sorry but sorry is not good enough for me baby
Am sorry that, you sorry but sorry can’t dry my tears lady
Each time we fight, you came with your same story
Now you sorry but am sorry cause i can’t accept your apology

You say it, you say it
But you no mean it
You say it, you say it
But mi nuh believe it
You say it, you say it
But you no mean it
You say it, you say it
But mi nuh believe it

What you want me fi do
Yow you too repetitive
Me verses you, everything competitive
A nuh so me want fi live, no a nuh my proragative
You say you want mi treat you right, girl look at what you did
Care bout mi feeling no
you nuh have no time fi me
loving weh you say you have
you nuh have it devine fi me
one bag a things mi hear tru the grape vine you si
When mi confront you a one bag a lie you si

You say it, you say it
But you no mean it
You say it, you say it
But mi nuh believe it
You say it, you say it
But you no mean it
You say it, a pure talking

Am sorry that, you sorry but sorry is not good enough for me baby
Am sorry that, you sorry but sorry can’t dry my tears lady
Each time we try, you come with your lame story
Now you sorry but am sorry cause I don’t want your apology

Everyday excitment a pure drama
people have wi business pon di corna
Ok anytime dem call my name
But as dem call your name you quick fi call dem informa
What kind a life dis mi can’t bother
What happen to the niceness you nuh see mi get marga
All you bring a crisis, crosses because of
Saying, is like a waiting disaster

You say it, you say it
But you no mean it
You say it, you say it
But mi nuh believe it
You say it, you say it
a pure talking

Am sorry that, you sorry but sorry but sorry wont do for me baby
Am sorry that, you sorry but sorry can’t heal my wounds baby
Each time we try, you come with your same story
Now you sorry but am sorry cause I don’t want your apology

Your words have no meaning
Cause you continue to do the same thing
Now sorry is a Sorry word
Look at all i’ve done for you

You say it, you say it
But you no mean it
You say it, you say it
But mi nuh believe it
You say it, you say it
But you no mean it
Bla bla bla, am walking

Tarrus Riley – Sorry Is A Sorry Word – Ouvir Música

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