Letra Música Death To All But Metal – Steel Panther



C-c-come on!

Fuck the Goo Goo Dolls, they can suck my balls

They look like the dogs that hang out at the mall

Eminem can suck it, so can Dr. Dre

They can suck each other just because they’re gay

They can suck a dick, they can lick a sack

Everybody shout, “Heavy metal’s back!”

Death to all but metal

Death to all but metal

Death to all but metal

Death to Papa Roach, Blink 182

All those fucking pussies sounds like doggy-doo

Wearing baggy pants, spiking up their hair

They’re not worth the crust on my underwear

Where is Def Leppard? Where is Mötley Crüe?

Why do all my lyrics sound like Dr. Seuss?

Death to all but metal

Death to all but metal

Death to all but metal

Kills those fucking fuckheads who programme MTV

They can suck my ass with all the record companies

Death to Britney Spears, kill the little slut

Kill Madonna too and then fuck her in the butt

Fuck Mariah Carey, death to Sheryl Crowe

They can kiss each other on the camel toe

50 Cent’s a fag, so is Kanye West

Shooting hot sperm on each others’ chest

Death to all but metal

Death to all but metal

Death to all but metal

Steel Panther – Death To All But Metal – Ouvir Música

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