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Letra Música I Think I’m In Love – Spiritualized

Sun so bright that I’m nearly blind

Cool, ‘cause I’m wired and I’m out of my mind

Warm as the dope running down my spine

But I don’t care ‘bout you

And I’ve got nothing to do

Free as the water and air that I breathe

Even freer than DMT

Feel the warmth of the sun in me

But I don’t care ‘bout you

And I’ve got nothing to do

Love in the middle of an afternoon

Just me and my spike in my arm and my spoon

Feel the warmth of the sun in the room

But I don’t care ‘bout you

And I’ve got nothing

I think I’m in love (probably just hungry)

I think I’m your friend (probably just lonely)

I think you got me in a spin now (probably just turning)

I think I’m a fool for you babe (probably just yearnin’)

I think that I can rock and roll (probably just twisting)

I think I wanna tell the world (probably ain’t listening)

Come on

I think I can fly (probably just falling)

I think I’m the life and soul (probably just snorting)

I think I can hit the mark (probably just aiming)

I think my name is on your lips (probably complaining)

I think that I have got it bad (probably contageous)

I think that I’m a winner baby (probably Las Vegas)

Come on

I think I’m alive (probably just breathing)

I think you stole my heart now, baby (probably just thievin’)

I think I’m on fire (probably just smoking)

I think that you’re my dream girl (probably just dreaming)

I think I’m the best, babe, come on (probably like all the rest)

I think that I could be your man, oh, (probably just thinkin’)

I think I’m in love

I think I’m in love

I think I’m in love

I think I’m in love

I think I’m in love

I think I’m in love

I think I’m in love

Spiritualized – I Think I’m In Love – Ouvir Música

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