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Letra Música Can’t Tell Me – SOJA

I like women and I love getting high like a house and a car just fine
I love jah creation to and I dont really care if its alright with you
I love my family even the baldheads and I love my friends even with no dreads cause we all get buying to ourself stay true and I dont really care if its rasta to you
You can’t tell me who I am
Cause I’m working on that too
Whats right for me just ain’t right for you
You can’t tell me who I am
Cause I’m working on that too
What’s right for me, just ain’t right for you

Unless your ready for your own judgement
Don’t do nothing for you judge yourself
See me around and everything that I do guess what dog I’ve seen you to? Where?
I don’t judge how you live your life cause I know we hold trying to get by
See me around and everything that I do guess what dog jah seen you to once

You can’t tell me who I am
Cause I’m working on that to
What’s right for me just ain’t right for you

Soy un hijo de jehova
Que mas puedo yo decir
Velo por mi caminar
Y ando recto por ahi
Si al pasar me has de juzgar
Dios se encargara de ti
Y soy humano como tu
Me cai me levante
Y de mi error logre aprender
En la vida hay gue entender
Que el juzgar esta de mas
Anda entiendelo ahora tu

You can’t tell me who I am
Cause I’m working on that to
What’s right for me just ain’t right for you
You can’t tell me who I am
Cause I’m working on that to
What’s right for me just ain’t right for you

You remind me of a place
We all call the middle east
Where people fight over their loves that they swear God ended down but while they go to their sidefast thinking that theyve got the only rightness pass I see that they all is the bottom line true love is the only thing that forever will last

You can’t tell me who I am
Cause I’m working on that to
What’s right for me just ain’t right for you
You can’t tell me who I am
Cause I’m working on that to
What’s right for me just ain’t right for you

What’s right for me just ain’t right for you

What’s right for me just ain’t right for you

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