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Letra Música Drinking Games – Silver

At the party tonight
You said you couldn’t leave my sight
‘Cause you don’t seem to like
The way the boys say I have pretty eyes
Isn’t that right?
So we go for a ride
You’ll cry, say that I make it alright
You dance with our friend
Shining, shining
Laughing with them like you
Weren’t just crying to me
But you know what I see
When you’re looking at me
I am reminded that we’ll never be

I wanna know if you’re not okay
But I get too attached to the things you say
You don’t care if I get home safe
‘Cause I’m just another player in your drinking game
I wanna know if you’re not okay
But I get too attached to the things you say
You don’t care if I get home safe
‘Cause I’m just another player in your drinking game

Why do I chase you like
The distant retch of a first line?
Why do I waste so much time
When I know you won’t be mine?

Treat her right
Lying, lying
Like you weren’t with me last night
Crying, throwing a fit
But you know what? That’s it
I am better than this
And you say once we’re sober that we should just forget

I wanna know if you’re not okay
But I get too attached to the things you say
You don’t care if I get home safe
‘Cause I’m just another player in your drinking game
I wanna know if you’re not okay
But I get too attached to the things you say
You don’t care if I get home safe
‘Cause I’m just another player in your drinking game

Tomorrow when I wake up I know what you’ll say
You’ll say that you care but that it was a mistake
And I’ll be so upset for the rest of my day
‘Til you call me cutie and ask if we’re drinking
‘Til you call me cutie and ask if we’re drinking
‘Til you call me cutie and ask if we’re drinking

I wanna know if you’re not okay
But I get too attached to the things you say
You don’t care if I get home safe
‘Cause I’m just another player in your drinking game
I wanna know if you’re not okay
But I get too attached to the things you say
You don’t care if I get home safe
‘Cause I’m just another player in your drinking game
I wanna know if you’re not okay
Tomorrow when I wake up I know what you’ll say
But I get too attached to the things you say
You’ll say that you care but that it was a mistake
You don’t care if I get home safe
And I’ll be so upset for the rest of my day
‘Cause I’m just another player in your drinking game
‘Til you call me cutie and ask if we’re drinking
I wanna know if you’re not okay
‘Til you call me cutie and ask if we’re drinking
But I get too attached to the things you say
You don’t care if I get home safe
‘Cause I’m just another player in your drinking game

Silver – Drinking Games – Ouvir Música

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