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Letra Música Morning Train (9 To 5) – Sheena Easton

I wake up every mornin’

I stumble out of bed

Stretchin’ and yawnin’

Another day ahead

It seems to last forever

And time goes slowly by

‘Til babe and me’s together

Then it starts to fly

‘Cos the moment that he’s with me

Time can take a flight

The moment that he’s with me

Everything’s alright

Night time is the right time

We make love

Then it’s his and my time

We take off

My baby takes the morning train

He works from nine till five and then

He takes another home again

To find me waitin’ for him

My baby takes the morning train

He works from nine till five and then

He takes another home again

To find me waitin’ for him

He takes me to a movie

Or to a restaurant, to go

Slow dancing

Anything I want

Only when he’s with me

I catch a light

Only when he gives me

Makes me feel alright

My baby takes the morning train

He works from nine till five and then

He takes another home again

To find me waitin’ for him

All day I think of him

Dreamin’ of him constantly

I’m crazy mad for him

And he’s crazy mad for me (crazy mad for me)

When he steps off that train

I’m makin’ a fool, a fight

Work all day to earn his pay

So we can play all night

My baby takes the morning train

He works from nine till five and then

He takes another home again

To find me waitin’ for him

He’s always on that morning train

(He works from nine till five and then)

He works so hard

(He takes another home again)

To find me waiting for him

(My baby takes the morning train)

(He works from nine till five and then)

(He takes another home again)

(To find me waiting for him)

Sheena Easton – Morning Train (9 To 5) – Ouvir Música

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