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Letra Música Piece Of My Heart – Shaggy

(feat. Marsha)

{Mmm, mmm} Enough of the break up {Yeah, hea}

Girl, let’s deal with the make up

Alimony mean all the money

Ha, ha, ha, ha

Didn’t I make you feel {Didn’t I make you feel}

Like you were the only man {You were the only man} (The only man in you life)

Didn’t I give you everything

That a woman possibly can {Oh, yes I did} (Mmm)

But for all the love I gave ya

It’s never enough (Not enough)

But I’m gonna show you, baby

That a woman can be tough (So)

So come on, come on, come on, come on, and

So what, you have me under pressure

Despite the fact say in life you give me pleasure

I’m the only man and I possess the keys to you treasure

So give the contender on the trail

Captivate your mind, I’ll make your heart grow fonder {Ooh..}

Still you’re trying to find out whose covers that I’m under

So you start to wonder, heart beat like thunder {Yeah…}

So I blow my cover

‘Cause I’m the great pretender, girl, surrender, yeah

{Take it} Take another little piece of my heart now, baby

{Oh, oh, break it} Break another little bit of my heart now, honey

(Hey, darling, give it up, give it up, give it up)

{Oh, oh, have it} Have another little bit of my heart now, baby

You know you got it if it makes you feel good

You play detective boo, want a new suit

Going through my pockets, searchin’ for clues

Trying to follow me, you and your desperate crew

The end of this relationship was long over due

Now what you did was cute, girl, you spent the loot

Easy on the tears, oops, man, you soil my suit

Do yourself a favor and find a new recruit

And don’t take it personal because you got the boot

You’re out on the streets {Looking good} (Absolutely)

And you know deep down in you heart that that ain’t right (Come on, come on)

And, oh, you never, never hear me when I cry at night {Oh…oh…oh…oh…oh…}

I tell myself, that I can stand the pain

But when you hold me in your arms (Yeah) I sing it again {Say it again}

So come on, come on, come on, come on (So what?) and

{Take it} Take another little piece of my heart now, baby {Why don’t you}

{Oh, oh, break it} Break another little bit of my heart now, honey (I don’t think you know)

{Oh, oh, have it} Have another little bit of my heart now, baby

You know you got it if it makes you feel good

I can make you {Ooh}, you can make me {Ah}

Anyway you want it, baby, we can do it right

Jump out a the frying pan and straight down in a the fire

I’m Mr. Gigolo, your most notorious liar

Ex-amount of loving you get what me did require {Ooh…}

Your personal attendant, well, my love is not for hire

Girl, search yourself, ‘cause I’m you heart’s desire

25 girls in a my life, don’t want a wife, I need a lover, yeah

{Take it} Take another little piece of my heart now, baby

{Oh, oh, break it} Break another little bit of my heart now, honey

(I got your heart, I got your heart, girl)

{Oh, oh, have it} (Shoop) Have another little bit of my heart now, baby

You know you got it if it makes you feel good

{Ooh, ah}

Rock, baby

Shaggy – Piece Of My Heart – Ouvir Música

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