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Letra Música SOS – SEVENTEEN

‘Mello, it ain’t right
Day to day to day
It’s like we’re an infinite roulette
Spin it, spin it, spin it
Now, who’s the next target?
White sticker looks so sweet
Don’t stick it on, so dangerous
The second you regret, it’s already too late

I’ll tell you again for us
This isn’t what you want
Ain’t the true happiness
Don’t know what we have all become
We need to find a way out
Tell me, where are we goin’ right now?

Where is the love?
We can find the love, ooh-woah-oh-oh, ooh-woah

S-O-S-O-S-O, right now
Everyday, we’re fightin’
A silent war we never wanted
Come on, right now
People keep on dyin’
When the world is killin’ you, yeah

Just shoot the S-O-S, S-O-S
Just shoot the S-O-S, S-O-S
Please tell me, S-O-S, S-O-S
Don’t worry, I’ll be waitin’ here
All the time ‘cause I’m your friend

Hidin’ and hidin’ each other
Smile and cover and cover
Sell it and buy it like water
When did we normalize danger?
Walk out the dark forest
I gotta go back to you every time
If you feel the courage, yeah, go ahead and dial

It’s so bad, bad, bad
Tell me what’s killin’ you
It ain’t cool, cool, cool
Can’t recognize us anymore
To the ocean, we don’t back down
Only we can find a way out

Where is the love?
We can find the love, ooh-woah-oh-oh, ooh-woah

S-O-S-O-S-O, right now
Everyday, we’re fightin’
A silent war we never wanted
Come on, right now
People keep on dyin’
When the world is killin’ you, yeah

Just shoot the S-O-S, S-O-S
Just shoot the S-O-S, S-O-S
Please tell me, S-O-S, S-O-S
Don’t worry, I’ll be waitin’ here
All the time ‘cause I’m your friend

We gotta run away from the dangerous thoughts that come our way
This song is so easy
You and I both know what I wanna say
We’re gonna be okay
Our tomorrow is a brighter day
We’re gonna be okay
Our tomorrow is a brighter day

We gotta run away from the dangerous thoughts that come our way
Come, lean your back on me
Us together, we can stand up straight
We’re gonna be okay
Our tomorrow is a brighter day
I’ll be there by your side, yeah

S-O-S-O-S-O, right now
Everyday, we’re fightin’
A silent war we never wanted
Come on, right now
People keep on dyin’
When the world is killin’ you, yeah

Just shoot the S-O-S, S-O-S
Just shoot the S-O-S, S-O-S
Please tell me, S-O-S, S-O-S
Don’t worry, I’ll be waitin’ here
All the time ‘cause I’m your friend

SEVENTEEN – SOS – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

Tracklist Mais Tocadas - Giro Musical 2023

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