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Letra Música Car Wash – Rose Royce

Oh oh
You might not ever get rich
But let me tell ya it’s better than diggin’ a ditch
There ain’t no tellin’ who you might meet
A movie star or maybe even an Indian chief
At the car wash
Workin’ at the car wash, girl
Come on and sing it with me
(Car wash)
Sing it with the feelin’ ya’all
(Car wash, girl)

Some of the work gets kinda hard
This ain’t no place to be if you planned on bein’ a star
Let me tell you it’s always cool
And the boss don’t mind sometimes if you act the fool

At the car wash
Whoa whoa whoa whoa
Talkin’ about the car wash, girl
Come on, ya’all and sing it for me
(Car wash)
Oh oh oh
(Car wash, girl)

(Work and work)
Well, those cars never seem to stop coming
(Work and work)
Keep those rags and machines humming
(Work and work)
My fingers to the bone
Can’t wait till it’s time to go home

(Hey, get your car washed today)
Fill up and you don’t have to pay
Come on and give us a play
(Do the wash, right away)

(The car wash)
Talkin’ ‘bout the car wash
Car wash, girl
Come on, ya’all, let’s sing it with me
(Car wash)
Sing it with feelin’, ya’all
(Car wash, girl)

Whoa whoa whoa whoa
(Car wash)
Never seem to stop comin’
What’d I say
Keep those rags and machines hummin’
(Car wash)
Let me tell you, it’s always cool

Rose Royce – Car Wash – Ouvir Música

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