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I am (Gita)

Since the beginning of time
Man has search for the great answer
It was given
Today I give it once more

Sometimes you ask me a question
You ask why I talk so little
I hardly ever speak of love
Don’t side you and smiling so bittle

You think of me all the time
You eat me, spew me and leave me
Come forth, see through your ears
Cause today I’ll challenge your sight

I am the star of the starlights
I am the child of the moon
Yes, I am your harred of love
I am too late and too soon

Yes, I am the fear of failure
I am the power of will
I am the bluff of the gambler
I am. I move, I’m still

Yes, I am your sacrifice
The placard that spells “forbidden”
Blood in the eyes of the vampire
I am the curse unbidden

Yes, I am the black and the indian
I am the WASP and the jew
I am the Bible and the I-Ching
The red, the white and the blue

Why do you ask me a question
Asking is not going to show
That I am all things in existence
I am, I was, I go

You have me with you forever
Not knowing if it’s bad or good
But know that I am in yourself
Why don’t you just meet me in the woods

For I am the eaves of the roof
I am the fish and the fisher
“A” is the first of my name
Yes, I am the hope of the wisher

Yes, I am the housewife and the whore
Hunting the markets asleep
I am the devil at your door
I am shallow, wide and deep

Yes, I am the law of Thelema
I am the fang of the shark
I am the eyes of the blindman
I am the light in the dark

Oh, yes, I am bitter in your tongue
Mother, father and the riddle
I am the son yet the come
Yes, I’m the beginning, the end and the middleEstilo: ROCK POP/ROCKArtista: Raul Seixas Canal no Youtube: Raul Seixas

I am (Gita) – Raul Seixas

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