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Letra Música Satellite – Rise Against

You can’t feel the heat
Until you hold your hand over the flame
You have to cross the line
Just to remember where it lays
You won’t know your worth now, son
Until you take a hit
And you won’t find the beat
Until you lose yourself in it
That’s why we won’t back down
We won’t run and hide
Yeah, ‘cause these are the things
That we can’t deny
I’m passing over you like a satellite
So catch me if I fall
That’s why we stick
To you game plans and party lines
But at night
We’re conspiring by candlelight
We are the orphans of the american dream
So shine your light on me

You can’t fill your cup
Until you empty all it has
You can’t understand what lays ahead
If you don’t understand the past
You’ll never learn to fly now
Till you’re standing at the cliff
And you can’t truly love
Until you’ve given up on it

That’s why we won’t back down
We won’t run and hide
Ya, ‘cause these are the things
That we can’t deny
I’m passing over you like a satellite
So catch me if I fall
That’s why we stick
To you game plans and party lines
But at night
We’re conspiring by candlelight
We are the orphans of the american dream
So shine your light on me

She told me that she never
Could face the world again
So I offered up a plan

We’ll sneak out while they sleep
And sail off in the night
We’ll come clean and start over
The rest of our lives
When we’re gone we’ll stay gone
Out of sight out of mind
It’s no too late
We have the rest of our lives

The rest of our lives

Because we won’t back down
We won’t run and hide
Yeah, ‘cause these are the things
That we can’t deny
I’m passing over you like a satellite
So catch me if I fall
That’s why we stick
To you game plans and party lines
But at night
We’re conspiring by candlelight
We are the orphans of the american dream
So shine your light on me

No, we won’t back down
We won’t run and hide
Yeah, ‘cause these are the things
That we can’t deny
I’m passing over you like a satellite
‘Cause these are the things
That we can’t deny now
This is a life
That you can’t deny us now

Rise Against – Satellite – Ouvir Música

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