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Letra Música Don’t Lose My Number – Phil Collins

There came a night leaving fear behind, shadows are on theground
And nobody knew where to find him, no evidence was found
I’m never coming back, I heard him cry, and I believe him
He never meant to do anything wrong, it’s gonna get worse if hewaits too long
Now Billy, Billy don’t you lose my number
‘Cos you’re not anywhere that I can find you
Oh now Billy, Billy don’t you lose my number
‘Cos you’re not anywhere that I can find you, oh

Searchin’ through the day and into the night
They wouldn’t stop until they found him
They didn’t know him and they didn’t understand, nobody asked himwhy
Get out of my way, I heard a shout, then a blinding light
All I could see was him running down the street
Out of the shadows and into the night

Now Billy, Billy don’t you lose my number
‘Cos you’re not anywhere that I can find you
Oh now Billy, Billy don’t you lose my number
‘Cos you’re not anywhere that I can find you, oh

Don’t give up, keep running, keep hiding
Now don’t give up, oh Billy, if you know you’re right
Don’t give up, ‘cos you know that I am on your side
Don’t give up, oh Billy
You better, you better, you better run for your life

Now Billy, Billy don’t you lose my number
‘Cos you’re not anywhere that I can find you
Oh now Billy, Billy don’t you lose my number
‘Cos you’re not anywhere that I can find you, oh

There came a night leaving fear behind, shadows are on theground
Nobody knew where to find him, no evidence was found
I’m never coming back, I heard him cry, and I believe him
He never meant to do anything wrong, it’s gonna get worse if hewaits too long

Now Billy, Billy don’t you lose my number
‘Cos you’re not anywhere that I can find you
Oh now Billy, Billy don’t you lose my number
‘Cos you’re not anywhere that I can find you, oh

Billy, Billy don’t you lose my number
‘Cos you’re not anywhere that I can find you, oh Billy

Phil Collins – Don’t Lose My Number – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

Tracklist Mais Tocadas - Giro Musical 2023

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Em Cena

O MMT está desenvolvendo o “Projeto Música Brasil”, cuja proposta é intensificar os contatos com instituições de ensino, em especial faculdades, onde estudam e se graduam futuros “formadores de opinião”.