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Letra Música Sound System – Operation Ivy

Sound system gonna bring me back up (yeah)
one thing that i can depend on
sound system gonna bring be back up (right)
one thing that i can depend on

try to describe it to the limit of my ability
its there for a second then its givin up what it used to be
contained in my music is somehow more than just sound
this inspiration coming and twistin things around
cuz you always know that its gonna have to go
you always know that youll be back in the cold
point of departure sublimated in a song
always comin and givin us hope for a second then its gone but

sound system gonna bring me back up (right)
one thing that i can depend on
sound system gonna bring me back up (yeah)
one thing that i can depend on

static pulse inside of music bringing us escape
its always temporary changing nothing in its wake
just a second while were leaving all this shit behind
just a second but its leaving just this much in mind
to resist despair that second makes you see
to resist despair cuz you cant change everything
to resist despair in this world is
what it is what it is what it is to be free

sound system gonna bring me back up (right)
one thing that i can depend on
sound system gonna bring be back up (yeah)
one thing that i can depend on

wake up turn my box on bust the shades let the sun in
times are gettin tougher bout time to start runnin
box in my hand
music by my side
skankin to the rhythm of the music by my side

sound system gonna bring me back up (yeah)
one thing that i can depend on
sound system gonna bring me back up (right)
one thing that i can depend on
(repeat x1)

Operation Ivy – Sound System – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

Tracklist Mais Tocadas - Giro Musical 2023

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