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Letra Música Grateful – NEFFEX

Always do it on my own so I gotta get through it

And the only thing I know is to love what I’m doing

Never give up never slow til I finally prove it

Never listen to the no’s I just wanna keep moving

Keep my head up when I act

Head up that’s a fact

Never looking back

Ima keep myself on track

Keep my head up staying strong

Always moving on

Feel I don’t belong

Tell my thoughts to move along

Push myself to be the best

Die with no regrets

Live with every breath

See my message start to spread

And I had so many dreams

Then you hit your teens

Life ain’t really what it seems

Try to find out what it means

Always do it on my own so I gotta get through it

And the only thing I know is to love what I’m doing

Never give up never slow ‘til I finally prove it

Never listen to the no’s I just wanna keep moving

Yea I put out all this art, it’s my only medicine yea

Everything I do, I’m just being genuine

I’m sick of being screwed, feel my own adrenaline

Yea I do just what I do, and I hope you let me in

Let me in, yea

I’m grateful

Oh yea


Oh yea

I’m stable

Oh yea

No label

Oh yea

U know me

I have


A path

I’m lonely

But damn

I’m going

To win


I don’t want no fake love

I want the real stuff

Everybody listen up

‘Cuz I’ll only say it once

I’m gon’ show you all the path

If you want it bad

I’m gon’ show you where it’s at

Yea, how you can get it back

Yea, ‘cuz I ain’t never done

I’ll be number one

Working hella hard until I get just what I want

Yea rise just like the Sun

Yea fatal like a gun

Shooters gonna shoot and I’m gon’ shoot ‘til I’ve won

Always do it on my own so I gotta get through it

And the only thing I know is to love what I’m doing

Never give up never slow ‘til I finally prove it

Never listen to the no’s I just wanna keep moving

Yea I put out all this art, it’s my only medicine yea

Everything I do, I’m just being genuine

I’m sick of being screwed, feel my own adrenaline

Yea I do just what I do, and I hope you let me in

Let me in, yea!

I’m grateful

Oh yea


Oh yea

I’m stable

Oh yea

No label

Oh yea

U know me

I have


A path

I’m lonely

But damn

I’m going

To win


NEFFEX – Grateful – Ouvir Música

Músicas Mais Tocadas Club e uma comunidade que tem como objetivo levar informação e entretenimento aos amantes de uma boa música, atualização diária das músicas que estão em alta nas rádios de todo o Brasil e mundo. Divirta-se com nossas playlist!

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Viva João Gilberto!
